Sunday, March 2, 2008

Carpe diem

Here, I am normally one of the first ones to reach office in the morning. I share a large room with other consultants and at one end of the room is a huge white board. I am quite used to seeing scripts, charts, data models and sometimes my own conceptual process flows on it. One day, i noted that someone had scribbled down two words at the top left corner and had not been wiped off deliberately..

Something told me that it's beyond the everyday crap that comes up from our work. I looked it up and found that Carpe Diem did mean much more than two words. The latin for what we can put in english as Seize the Day. It's a philosophy, an approach to life.

I remember, I was in 11th when i had seen this card.. Loved it and treasured it for long. The card is lost but the concept and it's effect hasn't. Tried to reproduce it again.. have a look.

Well why i am writting all this today is because i just saw a movie that used it as a central theme. The movie is Dead poet's society. Nice movie.. Beyond everything else, I liked the movie because it reminded me of these great words....

Carpe Diem

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