Sunday, September 9, 2007

How many Skillsets ???

A couple of days back, a colleague asked me to help him in the analysis of some data. What we had on our hands was sample recruitment data for a period of few months and what was expected was a skill wise trend analysis. I willingly volunteered to help him out because I was amused to see so many skill sets and I could see an immediate challenge in trying to bucket them. For sure, it was going to be a test of how much I am in touch with the market and products.

There were some 7500+ lines of data with the names of skill sets varying from simple C/C++, DotNet,J2EE to meaningless Managerial /Communication Skills, Project Manager, Niche skill to Clarify, ArcGIS, RTOS, Hummingbird, AbInitio, Symbian, AS400, Maximo, Coldfusion, SCADA ……

I was quite sure it would be easy once I clear the duplicates. So I did and guess what…
I was still left with 2368 rows!!!!!!! And that would logically mean as many unique skill sets or combinations.

After a few hours of work, I had come down to 24 categories. And this after I had done gross injustice of creating superbuckets like DotNet, Java, C/C++, DWBI, Embeded, Testing, ERP etc. And I was not happy about a category I had named Others Tech (which covered 600 rows)

But what intrigued me was the level at which recruitment is being made. What I saw must be very close to any other major IT company in India. So the question is which is your niche. I have been frustrated at my efforts to get a niche for myself in any technology thanks to nature of consulting project we do. I guess I should restart my efforts or may be I am already in a niche which can read through 7500+ rows of technical skill sets and rationalize them into buckets :)

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