Friday, July 27, 2007

The LCD and GCF

As I woke up today... late once again (for my jogging) for the 3rd day in a row... I was wondering what has gone wrong. Why was I tweaking around again. Which of the variables had changed, what was driving me awry...?


And then a thought came to my mind.... Like me, may be you have wondered why people join these Joy of Living courses, become disciples of Babas and eccentric spiritual leaders, in India take Diksha, in US/Europe join cults.


I am starting to believe that is because they have lost the guts to find their paths themselves or may be they never had it.  For others, the main reason is they have just given up. They can't experiment with themselves and their lives any more. They want to be told what is right and what is wrong. Become subservient and take on meaningless restrictions imposed on their way of life by others.


But truly speaking, is it possible to reach the tipping point of experimentation with yourself and your life. There is no perfect combination of scheduling of daily activities, no fixed way of responding to people, no fixed list for self-abnegation.... and lots of other things. What worked for you say, 2 years ago need not be true now. What worked with one person may not work with another. The attitude that brought you this far may not be the right one to take you any higher.


Probably at some point in life you will settle down on some LCD (Lowest common denominator) of perfection you wish to achieve in different things you have got yourself into. And your attitude would become the GCF of variables that gives you a path of least resistance, the combination that you find most successful.


Uncompleted thoughts...

Well what am I trying to say, maybe nothing...


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