Friday, May 11, 2007

Funda Check: Eagles and Change

I just can't help it. Though as a part of my profession we use a lot of these things for end user workshops and sessions, whenever I come across a new funda I cant stop myself from cross checking.

So today despite a long TODO list for the day, i could not ignore this mail about need for change and ased google.
You can have a look at the original mail i received here in the form of a ppt. (It's a good one friends. )
Embeding it here for some of my lazy friends :)

So do eagles take so much pain to change themselves so that they can live long. Well found one part of the answer here.
quite an authentic source according to me.. Here is the excerpt

"Question - Do older Eagles beat their old worn down beaks off on arock and then grow a brand new one? I have heard that they do but I wantto know for sure.
No. I have no idea where this notion started, I've been asked several times.It is not possible for an eagle to completely lose its beak and grow a newone, by accident or on purpose.
J. Elliott
Eagles cannot regrow a new beak. If I'm not mistaken, most birds of prey donot have beaks that continue to grow to much once they reach adulthood. If abeak is broken, it will stay broken. They might rub their beaks on treebranches or rocks to clean or sharpen them. Parrotts have beaks thatcontinue to grow, thus they must wear their beaks down otherwise they willbecome overgrown.
Grace Fields

Whatever I loved the funda and am going to spread this myth around. Hope not many are mad enough like me to go data hunting ;)

And for those of you who have landed up on this page.. Here's the Pandafunda

"I swear by my life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man/woman, nor ask another to live for mine." - Ayn Rand (John Galt, Fountainhead)

So don't change...not for anyone else..

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