Saturday, May 26, 2007

Breaking the pattern

I don't know about you guyz... but doing the same thing bores me down..

While I was on a long project last year and was shit bored of the work and that life my boss said to me "If we cant help it, we have to break the pattern...that's what makes it bearable."

Perhaps just common sense but he put it into words and I took it up to try innovatively. There have been some strange things too that I have done in the name of breaking the pattern. For example last thursday...after coaxing several autos without success..I decided to walk down home. But it was the same route and in true spirit of breaking the pattern I decided to take a different route. This actually a shortcut some autos take to reach Langford road from audogodi. And it passes through 2 cemeteries, one hindu n another christian........ At 8.30 in the night I was not sure there would be any traffic on that road or not but I put on my earphones and moved on. suddenly received a call and was busy with it for some time. When i ended i realized i was right half way through. Decided not to put on the iPod again till i am through. I was actually enjoying the stillness. The silence was wonderful and was unbelievable, just 300 mtrs from one of the busiest roads in bangalore. And the silence was different. whatever enjoyed the walk..

Well talking about breaking the patterns...
I start getting panicky when i feel my grey cells are rusting out doing the same thing.. I have come home from office and tried tried things like reading a book upside down (in my line of work u r sometimes stuck in places without a good source of new books). Watching news with volume muted so that I am actually using my head (and of course it helps u stop thinking about how your project at office getting screwed up)... Tried and done some simple tasks in excel in some new way taking 5hrs instead of 2...

But really, I have come to believe Breaking the patterns is what makes something interesting. Especially things that you HAVE to do. And in some way also keeps up your spirits and confidence.

Things you like you can continue doing throughout your life I guess. But they are so few...So I have decided to stick to breaking patterns in daily life.

Try it out...

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