There were a few meetings on my calendar but i had absolutely no idea where they would head. There was no meaningful understanding about where i was going.
Let me see..
My current work day.. no idea.
A week from now: no target set.. nothing in particular i would have acheived
A month fom now: it would be time to return back home.. targets.. nothing meaningful.. some bits of shopping for people back home. may be an extension to the project requiring one more trip.
6months from now: Dont know.. probably would be in the same job.. may be not. No targets again.
1yr from now: life should have changed but i cant see exactly which way.. may be job change.. may be new place.. may be new people..
What would it look like, if i simulated the roll of a dice. One roll for each day for the next year. Take the cumulative results and draw a graph..
now that sound something interesting to do.. i m on it..
Half way through i am facing a problem, the cumulative score seems to mean that wahtever may happen the graph would be northwards.. a very optimistic view.. there is nowhere to go but upwards :)
But i think i have put a more realistic logic. The logic is too simple. It takes into consideration only the previous days efftect, but i think i would like to put a mathematical expression which would take into consideration, the effect of a series of good days or bad days. Well then again, the effect is nor really linear. One good day after a series of bad days has an immediate positive effect, but the negative effective of consecutive bad days kind of exponential. Well all that for latter.. Shifting the task to my bucket list..

Now what needs to be done is... keep a track of how the year actually goes. Then compare with the predictions that have come out based on the random generated numbers.
But i guess i am through with this madness... the itch is now gone.. spent 2 hours so the prime objective is met.. time to rest..
by the way here are the links to the excel sheet and the powerpoint...
Excel on google docs. And i have just found out that google docs could neither take in the pivot chart nor the graphs i generated.. so it's kind of useless.. One more item in the bucket list. have to revisit and find what's the issue with google docs.
The presentation showing steps on slideshare.
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