Dont know many of my friends who like to follow an election. But I do. It's fun. Lots of heat generated and lots of data bombarded and you get a chance to form an opinion of your own despite what all self proclaimed experts in the news channels say. See all the nasty fights that each camp gets into and big promises that are made. You pick up your own underdogs, and hope against hope that they win.
This time around it is a bit different. I am in the election year in one of the biggest democracies in the world. The United states of America. The process is bit different, the people till lately were largely unknow. But thanks to the "free only" channels I get to see in hotel, I end up hooking into news channels.
But whether India or USA, there are those big speeches, there are the warring parties making claims against each other and strangely simillar issues (economy seems finally overtaken defence topic). And then of course there are the bunch of news reporters trying to predict the future.
So here's what i think of what i have seen so far:
Hillary Clinton: Theatrics at its best. But looks shallow
Barak Obama: The underdog... so all that is linked.. you feel he is earnest, you wish he wins but may not be the best.
John McCain: Serious means business but like always i am afraid of old men leading a country
Mitt Romney: Has depth but does not seem to drive people
Rudy Giuliani: The theatrics specialist of Republican camp. But seem more like Imran khan..lots of publicity but where are the votes..
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