Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My favourite Transport in Manipur

This is an old write up i am shifting from an earlier blog of mine..
Was lucky to be in Manipur for a short period of time and i will always remember it fondly..

Thought I should provide some you less fortunate beings who could not make it here a glimpse of “The Land of Jewels”. Well that’s what MANI-PUR literally means and I guess they need darkness around to sparkle.
What I am presenting today is something you are bound to use if you ever land up here.

Yes this is not only the most conspicuous but also the public’s favorite mode of transport here. And here’s why…..
It is the ultimate multi-purpose vehicle for people out here. I have seen people carry so many different kind of things you cannot imagine. From asbestos sheets to live chicken and goats… it can carry them all. Of course the best use is to carry people. The slow pace gives you enough time to catch a good view around.This particular scene on the left reminded one of TATA Sumo’s earlier ad’s bragging about space.

I don’t think there is a need to mention about this being cheap, environment friendly (compliance to Euro I, II, Bharat I and all others that are to come) and makes economic sense too.

I could not help appreciating the advanced engineering involved. Here’s a sneak preview of some of its features.

Greater Control:
Unlike the ricks you can see in most parts of the country, this has one has an extra brake just for your safety. The third brake is certainly a beauty. It’s really simple but it took me more than one ride before I realized its presence. The driver presses down on the cable that presses the soles onto the rear tyres.

Special Headlights:
Here’s more ingenious features. I think I mentioned darkness somewhere before. But our multi-purpose vehicle solves it innovatively. There is a small bottle with kerosene behind with the wick in this headlight. Really necessary since it gets dark by 4:45 PM.

But did I say l something about Riding Comfort…..
Okay… Here’s something without masalaa…

Riding Comfort:
The whole seating block is fixed at an awful 40 degrees. That means you have to be on your toes all the time pressing the soles of your shoes on to the lower rim just to make sure you stay on this wonder vehicle.
One more small problem. The seat to my dismay seems to be designed for the people out here. More than one person of my size (DON’T dare to call me oversize!!!) and its too much. Same with the hood that covers this convertible. I have to pull it back every time to keep my head straight.

Now it’s the time to introduce you the drivers of this wonderful vehicle.

Sorry if I gave you the wrong idea. These hooded men are not the UNDERGROUND (Parallel govt., extortionists or one of my friends from the 16 organisations out here) that I might have mentioned to you earlier. These are the good Samaritans that provide this cheap service out here.

You would find almost all of them hooded. As for the reasons, my guess is its some form of dust mask cum protection from the cold air. Well some of them might have disfigured their faces out of excessive drugs usage or may be just they just want to keep their identity secret. OR may be it’s a fashion statement for their class. OR may be they are a part of some secret cult that dictates this..I mean this is possible. OR may be they are Jains…

OK that’s all. Cant write nonsense just to fill up this page..
So bye..
Panda ../\..

PS: Please feel to forward it to friends but just in case you feel tempted to showcase my talents to my Project Manager or Supervisor, here’s a statutory declaration that would make them appreciate this further.

This piece has been compiled in the extra time and inspiration made available to me by the grace of almost non-functional Govt. Machinery. The long times of waiting thanks to people afraid of taking simple decisions. AND the long journeys made using this mode of transport across Imphal.

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